Botanica Natural Products – SEED South Africa Winner 2014
Botanica Natural Products has developed a method of extracting beneficial substances from Bulbine frutescens, a traditional medicinal plant, for the cosmetic industry. The plant is cultivated and processed organically in its indigenous location in rural Limpopo, and its commercial use provides employment opportunities in the marginalised area. The local community further benefits through an Access and Benefit Sharing agreement.
The enterprise has won a SEED South Africa Award in 2014. The 2014 SEED Awards in 2 South African provinces are supported by the Government of Flanders, which is active in Southern Africa.
SEED was founded by UNEP, UNDP, and IUCN at the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg. It is hosted at Adelphi Research, in Germany. SEED identifies and supports promising small scale social and environmental enterprises around the globe, which while working towards a greener economy also tackle poverty, marginalisation and social exclusion. SEED provides these enterprises with know-how and networks, taking the lessons learnt at local level up to decision-makers to promote evidence-based policy making. For more information please write to [email protected] or visit